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St. Lawrence School 100th Anniversary

One Hundred Years Of Education

St. Lawrence School


Dorothy Bradley

Margaret Broebil

Jeanne Cooney

Frances Corso

Thomas Davis

Eleanor Hewitt

Bernadette Hoey

Stanely Jasudowich

Catherine Leddy

Catherine Loomis

Edmund Madden

Alice Malone

Louise McMahon

Elizabeth Morris

George Neagle

Elizabeth Reilly

Marion Reynolds

Catherine Riordan

Catherine Rogan

Francis Skerritt

Mary Stapleton

Marguerite Sullivan

Lawrence Tierney

Clara Weirethen

Melanie Weiss

Stanley White

Anna Ziellenbach


Dorothy Bradley

Margaret Broebil

Jeanne Cooney

Frances Corso

Thomas Davis

Eleanor Hewitt

Bernadette Hoey

Stanely Jasudowich

Catherine Leddy

Genevieve Fitting

Richard Hannon

Mary Hickox

Joseph Jesudowich

William Johnson

David Leddy

George Lewis

Marcella McMahon

Theodore Metcalfe

Margaret Morris

Francis Noel

Daniel O'Neil

Mary Perloski

Daniel Riordan

Leonard Sprague

John Stapleton

Charles Thompson

Eugene Wolynice


Irene Batt

Tugomino Bignami

Shirley Bowman

Louise Cornell

May Cornell

Frances Cullen

Rose Diora

Edward Farrell

Eleanor Flavell

Helen Galligan

Bernadine Hilte

David Hutchinson

Sophia Jasudowich

Kathleen Johnson

Edward LeMoine

Betty Lynch

James Marsh

Kathryn McGuire

Rita Moffitt

Catherine Moran

Joseph Morrissey

Charles Murphy

Leonard Porter

Thomas Rice

Margaret Rice

Cecelia Rochelleau

Aurelia Santy

Randall Shields

Jean Sphan

Edward Stanford

William Sullivan

Paul Tierney


Joseph Bill

Donald Blakeslee

David Campane

Rita Cannovan

Honora Cavanaugh

Ruth Cooney

William Carroll

Paul Crissey

Audrey Cullen

Edward Desseraeu

Eleanor Ditzen

Mary Donovan

Helen Downes

Thomas Duffy

Francis Egan

Mary Donovan

Helen Downes

Thomas Duffy

Francis Egan

Louis Faugno

Henry Fitting

Charles Halbrig

Joseph Hopkins

Carl Krachenfels

Dorothea Maine

Dorothy Martin

Francis Walsh

Verda Weiss

Alexander Wezenski

Thomas Wilson

Evelyn Yaegan



Rita Barney

Francis Battista

Rose Battista

Elizabeth Berg

Charles Brockamer

Francis Burnham

Stephen Collins

Lillian Coyle

Doris Crowley

Robert Degnam

Mary Devlin

Paul Dioro

Edward Donovan

Marion Down

Angela Foy

Anna Galligan

Michael Gallipoli

Marie Gamcack

Russell Hopkins

John Howard

William Hunt

William Judge

Elizabeth Kelly

Alexander Lynch

Jean MacLeod

Rita Meade

Helen Phelan

Pauline Potts

Helen Riordan

Anthony Robins

Irene Rochelleau

Edward Santi

William Slater

Catherine Stapleton

Joseph Walker

Ellen Ward

Mary Wilson

Eugene Wrinn

Alfred Zeendan

Karl Ziellenback


William Albinger

Dorothy Batt

Gregory Bowman

Robert Bradley

Jeremiah Broderick

Margaret Campane

Catherine Carroll

Catherine Clark

Hugh Collins

Vincent Collins

Genevieve Carroll

William Coughlan

Loretta Curren

John Devlin

Marion Dick

Vincent Dinnean

Mary Dioro

Ruth Dorman

Helen Duffy

Ellen Egan

Theodore Fawler

Robert Hunt

Louis Knudsen

Esther Lewis

Mary McGuire

Stephen McHugh

George Moran

Edward Moran

John Moran

William Morris

Wilfred Noel

George O'Hara

Dorothea O'Keefe

Marjorie Quist

Regina Reynolds

Aimee Rocheleau

George Rogers

Evelyn Ruthesman

Jane Scott

Robert Shields

Richard Valenti

John Wezenski

William Albinger

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